Frequently Asked Questions

Where is this rage room?

In Jayanagar, just 2 min walk away from South End Circle. Click here for the exact location.  If you want rage room in other locations, please enter your preference in this form and we’ll notify you if we launch it there.

What should I bring?

For legal reasons, we can only allow 18+ years to use it. So you have to bring your ID proof. Apart from that, you do not have to bring anything else.

Can I bring personal items I want to destroy?

If something reminds you of a lot of pain and anger, you can bring it to our rage room to destroy it. We’ll clean it up for you. The only requirement is that it must not be toxic or hazardous. For instance, biological or chemical substances are not allowed inside. However, you can bring your ex’s guitar or colleague’s laptop to smash into pieces. We can also help you burn things at an additional fee.

Is it safe for me?

It is generally safe and you will be given protective equipment. However, you will be required to sign a waiver to exclude us from all personal damages.

What type of people will be benefitted from this?

People stuck for hours in Bangalore traffic, those who went through a recent breakup, people who failed exams, etc

When can I visit the room?

Just check the calendar for available slots by selecting the package you want. Once you confirm your slot by making the payment, you can visit us at that time. We do not accept walk-in customers or be operational if the slots are not booked 30 mins in advance.

If I pay now and change my mind later, will I get a refund?

Yes, you will get a refund immediately as long as you cancel before 24 hours of the time slot via the link you get on your email. You can send us a message using the contact form or message us on WhatsApp to claim your refund with your transaction ID. For cancellations within 24 hour time period or no-shows, we refund 50% of the amount only. We also charge a 30% rescheduling fee if you want to change your time slot.